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Trenerów i Szkół z USA



The measure of our success is the success of our students. We are thrilled to be a part of their stories. Here are a few of them:
Student's Storiess
Piotr - Tennis

Professional sport training with highest level of education

Leaving to study in the US was the best decision of my life. Combining professional sport training with highest level of education is a perfect scenario for serious athlete and serious student and I recommend it wholeheartedly.

Piotr, Tenis ,Univ. of Miami

Amerlink student Piotr, looking thoughtful in a leather jacket, with the iconic San Francisco bridge in the background

Niezapomniane przeżycia

My name is Piotr and my career with sport, namely track and field started in the early 2000s in 'Polonia' Warsaw. I specialized in 4x400 and 800m. Working with Amerlink enabled me to receive a full scholarship at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. The opportunity to go to the USA made possible: mastering English language, receiving two American university diplomas, getting to know a new culture, establishing many new relationships, exploring the world. Amerlink helped with every aspect of the cooperation, answering every question and supported me in times of stress, which is why I encourage everyone to cooperate.

Piotr, Track & FIeld ,Kennesaw State Univ.

How sport made my dream come true

I studied and competed for the university team in the United States for 4 years. Already in high school, I knew that I wanted to study in the USA. Thanks to the scholarship, I was also able to continue my passion for tennis at the next level. It would not be possible without the commitment and invaluable and professional help of "Amerlink". Willingness alone is not enough, however; preparations for departure were very tedious and the process itself was complex. Fortunately, in dealing with the formalities and looking for the perfect university for me, I could count on Amerlink. A university trip to the USA is an unforgettable adventure that cannot be described only in words. What I have learned and experienced during these 4 years is something that will accompany me for the rest of my life. Friendships, trainers, professors who helped me get through and overcome all the difficult moments.

Ela, NSU tennis ,Northwestern State Univ.

Determined Amerlink athlete Kinga, focused and poised for victory, showcasing her competitive spirit

US college - my goal

Amerlink helped me fulfill my dream of combining soccer with studying in the United States. During the entire application process and even during my stay at the university, I could count on Amerlink's help. They always explained everything down to the smallest detail and showed great knowledge and professionalism. I heartily recommend the Amerlink to anyone thinking of going to study in the States.

Kinga, Piłka nożna ,Univ. of texas rio grande valley

Amerlink student Kornelia captured in a moment of intense focus and effort during a sprint

Amerlink - an easy way to college sport

The scholarship in the USA made it possible for me to pursue my sports dreams and discover new passions, meet wonderful people and places. Excellent training facilities, access to specialist care every day and the possibility to train in a larger team are just a few of the advantages offered by the sports scholarship in the United States. The level of education was also of great importance, the emphasis on practice, not only the theory and access to lecturers who are always willing to help and share their knowledge. I sincerely recommend such a trip and cooperation with 'Amerlink', thanks to which the whole process ran smoothly from beginning to departure.

Kornelia, Track&Field ,Univ

Amerlink student Filip, equipped with headphones and microphone, wearing dark sunglasses inside a helicopter, embodying adventure and exploration

From swimming pool to the clouds

By the end of high school, I had to make a difficult choice about my sporting and scientific future. My goal was to continue my swimming career, with the possibility of scientific development in the field of aviation. Studying at Purdue University allowed me to reconcile two of my greatest passions - love for swimming and aviation. During my studies in the field of pilotage and aviation management, I had the opportunity to explore the issues related to the aviation industry, meeting the greatest specialists in this environment and piloting various types of machines, from single-engine propeller-driven planes to multi-engine jets. I am currently working in my profession and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to obtain higher education at such a renowned university as Purdue. I am glad that it was Amerlink who assisted in my transfer to the United States with an extremely professional approach.

Filip, Swimming ,Univ

Happy Amerlink student Kacper with a bright smile, embodying the joy of securing a sports scholarship in the USA

Dream of many young people

Going to USA to study and compete is a dream of many young people who want to experience the adventure of their lives. Amerlink has enabled me and many young people to make these dreams come true. It is an opportunity to get an education, learn a language and meet many interesting people from all over the world. The cooperation with Amerlink resulted in obtaining a scholarship at Erskine College in South Carolina. I was able to study and play my beloved sport. In May 2020, I graduated with honors. This unforgettable experience taught me patience, systematicity and independence, and gave me the courage to tackle new life challenges ahead of me. I am grateful to "Amerlink" for arranging this for me. We are in contact to this day.

kacper-zak, Piłka nożna ,Univ

Amerlink student, Wiktor, smiling confidently

The best decisions of my life

Going to study in the US was one of the best decisions of my life. The help of Amerlink was crucial. 'Amerlink' took care of everything, from preparing all documents and communication with universities to finalizing my departure. Without the knowledge, experience and contacts of Amerlink, my departure would be impossible.

Wiktor, Piłka nożna ,Univ

System uczelni w USA w liczbach

Około 500,000
Studentów sportowców
Ponad 5000
Uczelni i uniwersytetów
Ponad 2000
Uniwersytetów oferujących
programy sportowe
4 miliardy
przyznanych stypendiów

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