
Article from above link:
Archery is usually an individual sport, but collegiate archery is different. While there is an individual competition, the team rounds and team atmosphere are unique to collegiate archery, which hosts a proud tradition of competition and school spirit.
Your three-person team has 60 seconds to shoot six arrows. You step to the line and fire two arrows while your teammates cheer. When your last shot hits the target, you get off the line as a teammate takes your place, a carefully choreographed move. It’s a heart-pounding 60 seconds where three individuals shoot as a single cohesive unit.
If you’re planning your college career, archery can improve your experience and extend Your archery career.
1. Start the process early (as early as sophomore in high school)
2. Create Amerlink Profile.
Completing a free Amerlink profile is a good starting point to become visible to college archery coaches. It will help You to professionally highlight the most important elements of Your athletic and academic achievements. In the profile, showing progression of Your results is a good way to catch coaches attention, especially if the trajectory of Your progress is significant. Within the Profile, write Introduction Letter to make Your contact with the prospective coach more personal.
3. Create a highlight film and add to Your profile. Skills and game video are analyzed.
Upload well edited video into Amerlink Profile. If You feel uncomfortable with editing and posting professional video, refer to Amerlink professional video editing service.
- Keep the quality of filming with stable production that will allow the coach to analyze the movements
- Keep the video concise (no longer than 5 min) but remember that You will make impression in first 90 seconds. Consider the first 90 seconds as if You had to convince the coach using a movie trailer.
- Put a title card at the front of your highlight video that includes your name and graduation year.
- Introduce Yourself at the onset of the video. You are making a first impression. Remember saying: “You have only one chance to make a first impression”, but in Your college video You can practice and repeat until You get it right. .
- Show strengths to attract coaches’ attention.
- Go over different aspects of your performance to give good 360 degree view of Your skills
- Show real game or competition and not just “staged modelling”
- Present yourself well - “dress to impress”
4. High-quality references from federation, coaches, club managers, well known athletes, can be very effective in your recruiting process. Coaches like to see that You were recognized for Your sport and personal qualities by other respectable individuals and organizations. For the recruiting coach, it takes the guess work out of the equation.
5. Take advantage of Amerlink Marketing, Amerlink Concierge Service, Amerlink Research, to speed up the process and assure the positive outcome.
If You go with Amerlink DIY process:
6. Research and build a target list. Check rosters of schools and compare Your skills and competitive level to gauge if the school team is compatible with Your skill level. Create a list of dream schools (but realistic), good fit schools and safety schools. Take advantage of Amerlink Research service to identify schools that are the best athletic and academic fit.
7. Research and build a target list based on the academic interest and academic level.
8. Compete at the highest level possible – inform coaches from Your selected group of schools on the competitions that you are participating in and the results.
9. Participate in Showcases and Exposure camps in USA. Plan to travel to USA (preferably in Your junior year) with Amerlink Trips
10. Track Your academic progress and compare with the requirements from NCAA, NAIA and NJCAA. Excelling academically will only help in recruiting process and can likely add to Your scholarship if You will apply to equivalency program. Check section of this Tutorial on academic preparedness.
11. Organize emailing campaign. Start by sending an introductory email that includes your Amerlink online academic and athletic profile, highlight video. Take advantage of the Amerlink Marketing Campaign option. Amerlink Marketing option can facilitate this step.
12. Follow up with the coaches frequently.
If the conversation is established, make sure that the coaches are updated on Your recent results, location of Your competitions. Make sure You are organized and prompt to fulfill the requests that come from interested coaches.
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